Architectural Literacy Course with Calder Loth

Calder Loth Symbol

November 9, 2019

 This course was designed to enable people to discover the visual fascination of architecture, the most accessible of the arts. Although classical is all around us, most people miss appreciating the richness of these splendid works because they don’t know how to “read” buildings. Using many examples, both famous and ordinary, the course explored why classical buildings look the way they do.

This course covered the basics of the classical language, including design details and the origins of various architectural motifs. Aesthetic principles were explained by contrasting ‘literate’ with ‘illiterate’ buildings.

This course provided an in-depth but digestible understanding of our classical heritage and appealed to architects, interior designers, contractors, old-house buffs, remodelers, realtors, and just about anybody who likes to look at buildings.